Olive is Adopted!

Olive Duke Drina AlexDrina grew up with GSP's her whole life.  When her beloved Bella passed away she reached out to us to find a senior companion for her 13 year old GSP Duke who was clearly missing his sister.Olive had just come into the rescue just at the right time, as it turned out, she was a perfect match for Drina and her Dad, Alex.Drina contacted us after they got home with an update. "We had such an exciting day today!! Olive is such a joy!!  The ride home was uneventful, she slept the entire way home. We spent the afternoon getting to know each other. She loves to chase balls and responds to "come here" and "sit."  She went on a walk without any issues and has taken over every single stuffed animal in the house. Duke doesn't mind too much, his sister used to do the same thing. She ate her food without any trouble and enjoyed exploring every inch of the front and backyard""We've also discovered that Olive can talk! You remember the old Lassie show, when Lassie would bark at Timmy? She does this too. We have a skunk that has invaded our back yard. She waits for him by the door and when he shows up she comes over to one of us and barks at us. We respond to her with questions, "What is it Olive?" and she answers back with another bark. It's hilarious!"Drina also told us that they are keeping her name Olive.  "Long before we even knew about Olive I had decided that our next female dog would have a teal collar (it's the Origami Owl signature color, Drina is a representative for the line) and their mascot is named Olive.  I figured it was a sign that she was meant to be ours". Well, Drina, we think so too!Thank you Drina and Alex for opening up your hearts and your home to adopt a Senior GSP!Be sure to check our Facebook Page throughout the day for more photos of Olive in her new home! 


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