Olfa is safe!

Olfa_A4665408w29Olfa showed up at a local high kill shelter as a stray after the first of the year. Like most GSPs in shelters, we monitored his status to see if his owner would come to claim him. When no one came looking for him, we started making plans to get him out of the shelter and into the rescue.Volunteer Elizabeth made a trip to the shelter and then helped transport him meeting Volunteer Kayla who took him the rest of the way to the rescue. Both commented on how good he was in the car but Elizabeth was impressed with his nose and how he never stopped taking in scents. Olfa, short for olfactory, immediately came to her mind. Olfa also means love and harmony making it a perfect name for such a sweet and loving boy that loves to smell!A big thanks to Elizabeth and Kayla for taking time to save Olfa!


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