Nemo's surgery

Nemo came back to us late last year after his adopters lost their home. He was a little overweight and after losing a few pounds, a large size lump was visible. It's unclear whether it had grown or if it was present all along. However, after the initial Vet visit it was determined that it should be removed. We normally don't recommend removing tumors unless they pose a threat to the dog's health. However, because it was unclear how quickly Nemo's tumor had grown, it was recommended it be removed. Fortunately, we had set aside a donation that we had received for medical bills to put towards paying off Nemo's surgery. We're now attempting to raise the balance via Chipin. Any donation made between now and the end of  February will be doubled in our Double the Love Drive and any additional monies that are collected will be used toward the next Chipin fundraiser to pay another Vet bill. Please help us reach our goal by making a donation today.  Thank you.


Double the Love


Exercise with your dog is fun and healthy