Nellie: Perfection in a big dog!

How would you describe the perfect dog? An affectionate dog? A dog that will play fetch in a tutu, after supervising toy cars being driven through the yard, and up on her back?  A dog who doesn't even demand you buy her toys as she is thrilled to fetch a stick, and even more thrilled if the kids will chase her for it? A dog who is responsible in your home, even when left alone? A dog who will be grateful for every day in the home of her forever family?Would you exchange a little grooming time for this kind of perfect dog? Because that is the only difference between Nellie - a setter/GSP mix - and a purebred GSP. Her coat may be a little longer, but her list of perfect qualities is really long! The volunteers at GSP Rescue just love giving Nellie walks and watching her joyful play with the male dogs. We would love to see her drive away with her forever family even more.Please apply here if this sort of perfection is for you!To read more about Nellie, click here


Nellie is so sweet


I know you're lookin'