Nellie is at home


Nellie has been in her home for a little over five months now, and her adopters couldn't be happier with their not-so-new addition! They sent us some great photos and an update recently."She is doing great, and has seamlessly assimilated into our family!  She is the most well-behaved, and sweetest dog we have ever known!  Although she is totally an indoor dog (as she wants to be near us always), she loves her morning and evening one mile walks and hasn't had any trouble with her acl injury, which we are so pleased to report!"Nellie waited a long time to find just the right home.  Given her new mom's recent email, it looks like she is right where she was meant to be. She tells us, "We are crazy about this sweet girl, and our boys trade off who gets to have her sleep in their room at night.  She is so friendly and everyone who meets her just loves her.  I think my son, Samuel, summed it up best when he stated, "Mom, Nellie just makes life happier!"  We all couldn't agree more."


Banjo is Adopted!


Walker (A575790) is Safe!