Nellie is Adopted!

Nellie 002Nellie was a true volunteer favorite; we got to know her well in the time she spent at the Rescue.  Being a mix can sometimes make it harder to place a dog, but Nellie was also bigger and had longer hair than a GSP - which kept her from being adopted many times. However, WE knew she was also very sweet, soft, and great with kids - so we kept on trying. And then Nellie caught the attention of Sigrid and Pierre. Their previous GSP was also a mix, very similar to Nellie. Upon hearing of Nellie's many great attributes, they knew she would be perfect for their family. Pierre made the long drive down to the rescue, Nellie gave him her usual enthusiastic greeting, and she found her family!Sigrid sent us this wonderful update shortly after bringing Nellie home, "She is such a love, and is the most sweet and affectionate dog we've ever known!  Even though it has only been a little over a week, you'd think she'd been with us forever!  We all are head over heels in love with her!"


Hans is Adopted!


Duke visits Augie's