Nellie is a great family dog

Not only is Nellie (Chenelle) a soft and pretty GSP Mix, she has been a great companion to small children as well. Her former family took her in as a favor to a friend, but Nellie and their dominant female GSP just couldn't work things out. In the year they had Nellie, however, they found out just what a great family dog she was. They tell us, "she is an amazing dog. She was amazing with my kids, 2 & 6. They used her as a pillow, dressed her up and played chase with her. I say chase because you could throw a ball to her and then the kids would chase her to get it back. Her favorite toy was a stick. Throw one and she would go to all ends of the yard to fetch it."Nellie has done well with a less dominant male dog, and, of course, would love to be the center of attention as an only dog.  If you would like a great dog to keep those little ones occupied, send in your application and let us know you'd like to meet Nellie!For more information about Nellie, click here.


Jake gets adopted!


Hildegard loves treats