My Name Was Moochie

Moochie Memoriam (2)"My name was Moochie - I’m now at peace and I can understand better all of the things that happened in my life. I’m not angry with my family anymore for abandoning me, even though the time I spent wandering the streets alone was really, really hard and scary.  But that led me to the California GSP Rescue, and without them, I don’t know if I would have had as much time – or if that time would have been as good.I was a five year old GSP mix – but I considered myself a FULL GSP, with all the associated rights and privileges. The local animal control group found me as a “stray” in a field; maybe I was left there because my family couldn’t deal with my problems any more.  I was labeled a “MIXED BREED DOG”. Somehow the California GSP Rescue discovered me.  They picked me up and brought me to a much smaller kennel with lots of people who wanted to pet me and there was a field to play in. When those nice people at the GSP Rescue found me, I had some really bad sores on my legs, and my neck, and my ears hurt. I was pretty afraid of people and dogs too; it had been a long time since I’d met any nice ones.  Soon after I went there, that lady saw me.  I think she felt sorry for me, and she told me she was going to be my foster mom.  I don’t know why – I had all those medical problems, I wasn’t very nice to other dogs, and I was REALLY skinny – but I’m so glad she did!When I got to her house, I realized there were two other GSPs already there, and I didn’t like that very much. One was very confident (maybe even cocky) and I had to learn to deal with him being the top dog. Later though, we actually started to like each other and ended up having a lot of fun playing and wrestling together! The other dog was very timid and shy. Now I know I should have been nice because he didn’t do anything to me, but then I didn’t know how to act and I’m embarrassed to say that I attacked him many times while I was there. My foster mom really struggled with this as she was very fond of and protective of that (weird) shy dog.  I landed in doggie jail several times for my bad behavior.   I feel bad now for my foster mom and her dogs. I think they had to stop going to some of their favorite places because of me – places like dog beach and the dog park. I think my foster mom knew she couldn’t trust me there, and she was probably right. I also shredded a lot of her stuff, but I just couldn’t help myself!I don’t know why she didn’t kick me out of the house, but I’m glad she didn’t because I really needed her help. I needed help with my many wounds, and my ears that hurt so much! And I needed to EAT! I don’t know how she did it, but my leg and neck healed up very quickly – even though I fought her every step of the way!And then, about a month after Foster Mom took me home, she said she saw a lump in my mouth. She took me to see a veterinary dental specialist.  I took a nap and woke up with less teeth and the lump was out of my mouth.  Foster Mom told me that they found an aggressive tumor in my upper jaw, she said she had some medicine that might help for a while, but that I wouldn’t be around to become an old dog. She promised to take care of me, though, and to help me enjoy myself while I was here. A couple of months later though, all of a sudden I was SO ITCHY! I would scratch all day and all night – I even woke up Foster Mom at night – I didn’t mean too, but I had to scratch!!  I was losing all of my hair!  That’s when we found out I was allergic to my food.  Did Foster Mom give up on me? Nope. She STILL didn’t give up on me. After talking with the rescue, Foster mom stopped the anti-tumor medication and put me on an ‘anti-itch’ medication and some special food so I could have a ‘quality of life’. (Apparently the ‘anti-tumor’ and ‘anti-itch’ medicine couldn’t be taken at the same time!!)  For many months, I loved “quality life”. I didn’t itch any more, and the food was GOOD! My beautiful hair grew back and I gained weight and looked as good as I felt. Foster Mom took me on long walks, and I kind of enjoyed having a brother to play with. I finally figured out Foster Mom was trying to help my ears feel better, and I was nice to her when she put stuff in them, 6 times a day. Things were going pretty good, but after some time, my mouth started feeling weird, and it was getting a hard to eat. My face was so big, and things just weren’t working. Foster Mom said we were going to have one long weekend of hikes, and fun, and good food – just for me. You could tell she was sad when we went to the veterinarian.  I wish I could tell her how much I appreciated her having the courage to help me get rid of this pain. I wish I could tell her about how beautiful it is on the other side of the rainbow bridge, and how great it feels to run and be free. Mostly, I wish I could tell Foster Mom and the California GSP Rescue that what they did meant everything to me".A note from California GSP Rescue:Volunteer and Foster Mom Spring is one of the many caring and dedicated volunteers that make this rescue work. And if, as the song says, “Love is All You Need”, then we’d never have to ask for help.We hope you’ll consider helping us pay for all of the things that love doesn’t cover.Becoming a Sustaining Member of the Rescue means you help us EVERY DAY meet the needs of the dogs. Whether it be food, veterinary care, specialists, leashes, or even pooper scoopers – we can concentrate on the love and care the dogs need knowing we have regular, monthly support.BECOME A SUSTAINING MEMBER

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