Murphy is Safe!

MurphyWe received word about Murphy being found as a stray and taken to a shelter last week. After the standard 5 day hold that ended last Saturday,  we confirmed he was still available on Tuesday (the shelter is closed on Sundays, Mondays, & holidays) and made plans to rescue this GSP Mix on Wednesday. The shelter is a rural shelter that struggles with adopting out active breeds like GSPs. Like most shelters, there always seems to be more animals than adopters. With the help adoption coordinator Christy, plans were made for Murphy to be pulled. Early on Wednesday, Murphy found himself one step closer to his forever home.As an all volunteer rescue, we rely on the assistance of volunteers and, when possible, shelter staff to help with pulling and transport. While it is very rewarding knowing you helped an animal, it can also be very taxing seeing the magnitude of the problem that shelters face with unwanted pets. We cannot help every dog but we can help one GSP Mix find a home that might otherwise go unnoticed at the shelter.


Earl is Adopted!


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