Minnie's Progress - Week 3

Shy Minnie is coming along nicely.  If you are following this nice girls progress you will know that she came in as a very shy girl.  We can see progress weekly in her foster home.   Minnie is happiest on her walks.  You can see her tail up and wagging for the entire walk.  There are some walks where she gets so excited about her walk that she runs out and back to her foster mom as though she's let her guard down completely and the puppy in Minnie has come out.  Then she puts her guard back up, tail up, wiggly bottom, and prances through the rest of her walk.When on her walk we can see the normal dog that is inside of Minnie coming out.  In the house she is a bit more shy but progressing daily.  She follows her people around with a little space but often comes up beside them to catch a little pet.There are days when we see progress in leaps and bounds and there are days when we see little progress or even steps backwards.  Our focus right now is to desensitize Minnie in the house and get her to trust the home surroundings.


In loving memory of Jewel

