
MinnieMinnie is an approximately two year old shy, quiet, petite GSP mix.  She will need a patient, calm home to help her build trust in the world. She arrived at the rescue with her brother, Vinnie. They were taken from a home where they were kept outside with other dogs. The conditions were not ideal for a shy dog like Minnie.She is very cautious of unfamiliar people, dogs, and places...but she is young and wants to be part of her humans' life.  For that reason we believe that, with the proper patience and guidance, Minnie will learn and become comfortable with her surroundings.Stay tuned for future posts on Minnie's progress as we watch this petite girl learn what a great place a home can be.If you are interested in meeting and learning more about Minnie, please complete an adoption application.


Spot is safe!


What's cooking? The Pampered GSP has been extended!!