Meet Speck and Speck is Adopted!

Speck Adoption PhotoSpeck is Adopted! At the rescue, there is never a shortage of dogs and thank goodness, never a shortage of applicants looking to give a dog a forever home. Sometimes the wait may be a bit longer, but absolutely worth it. That is the case for Shawn and his family when we received a request from a family to re-home their beloved dog, Speck.It turns out, several people in the family had developed allergies, and sadly, they needed to find him a new family. We are very grateful that Speck's family reached out to us so that we could help find him a forever home. And we did!Shawn had never had a GSP, but had done a lot of research and reading up about them, and was very interested in the breed. After several conversations, an appointment was made to meet Speck... and the rest is history. We recently received an update from Shawn about Speck, renamed Ruger."I love this dog. He is doing great! He is my new best friend. We walk down to the dog park and play fetch.  Never had a better dog.  I never had such a great connection with a pet. He is my little "velcro" buddy, and not even the bathroom is safe! They say that rescue dogs are the happiest dogs you can get, well, I can't say that for sure, but I couldn't be happier to have him.  He filled an empty spot in my life, and I can't wait to see him everyday"!As a rescue, we couldn't be happier. Thank you Shawn and his family, for giving Ruger a new name and a new forever home!


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