Meet Simon!

Simon dsc_8430 w64Simon is an adorable, affectionate and sweet two year old male German Shorthaired Pointer.  He has beautiful black and white coloring and is small in size, but big on affection! While we don’t know all of Simon’s history (he came to us as a stray), we do know plenty about what Simon is like to have in your home – thanks to his wonderful foster family. He has been in a home with 3 other dogs, including a young boy and a“grumpy” bulldog (the foster parents’ words, not ours!). Even the youngest member of Simon’s foster family is able to walk him because he is quite good on a leash – a pleasant surprise with a 2 year old GSP!This sweet boy is also crate trained, is fairly calm for his age, and will bring you his food bowl at feeding time! In the house, he is mellow and loves to follow his humans around. He will warm your feet as you sit at your computer or help you do the dishes, or at least make sure you aren’t lonely while you do! He will bury his head in your shoulder and snuggle in for some love and pets. He has this adorable little tilt to his head when he looks at you. We think he has a little trouble processing what’s on the periphery of his vision, but a veterinary ophthalmologist says Simon’s eyes are healthy with no physical issues. This doesn’t stop Simon from fetching his ball or exploring and having fun! When very excited, Simon will also circle you, or circle the yard. It’s nothing too extreme, but we have found that his Thundershirt helps him calm down when there are a lot of stressful things going on – like rain storms, or trips to new and exciting places. He looks handsome in his gray thundershirt and it is almost like he knows it helps him gain confidence in new situations. He is an easy and wonderful dog to have around – perhaps he’s the next member of your pack?If you are interested in learning more about Simon, please apply here.


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