Meet Schubert!

Schubert is a 2 1/2 year old white and liver young male German Shorthaired Pointer.He was adopted by a family from the shelter, but was returned to the shelter by his owners shortly after they adopted him, because he did not get along with their dog. When we were notified about him when he wasn't adopted, we made arrangements to pick him up from the shelter, and got him to safety.We have learned more about Schubert since he has been with us. He is great with people, rides well in the car, and enjoys affection. He especially loves a good belly rub! Schubert is both crate trained and potty trained. He can also ‘sit’ upon command with treats and positive reinforcement. He will definitely need an experienced owner who is willing to get him the training he needs to help with basic commands and not pulling on the leash while on a walk. He does know how to run alongside a bike, as he is easily distracted when scared by unfamiliar sights, smells, or sounds. He is also very uneasy around other dogs.Schubert is a sweet dog with a gentle disposition, yet he is also very skittish and easily frightened. He gets overwhelmed by too much noise and chaos, therefore he would need to go to a home with a family without children.Schubert is a beautiful ball of GSP energy who loves to chase tennis balls in the backyard! He is a young GSP, and needs plenty of daily exercise. He loves jogging and running in quieter environments. He has a tough time with loud, crowded places or congested, noisy streets.  Schubert should be an only dog, or go to an owner who is experienced and able to provide the training to properly socialize Schubert with other dogs with slow introductions.This active boy has an abundance of GSP energy, and needs an active owner committed to giving him  the daily training and exercise he needs to thrive. He is neutered, and up to date on vaccinations. He also has a tail. If you feel that your active lifestyle would be a good fit for Schubert, please apply here.  


Meet Blossom!


Slake Is Safe!