Meet Rhee!

Rhee is a 6 year old beautiful female German Shorthaired Pointer.  Rhee came to us when her family failed her when they surrendered her to the shelter. They didn’t take her to find a new family, they took her to be put down. Her offense? They told the shelter staff she didn’t like other dogs and would fight with them. They said she didn’t always like small children, so they were giving up on her.Although, Rhee has been reported to not appreciate other dogs, she has been great with our volunteers, and we have found her to be nothing but sweet. During her photo shoot, she had no problem being helped up on the platform to get her photo taken, and our volunteer, Greg even rolled her over to position her. He said she was quite sweet to him and very responsive to his commands.Rhee is overweight, and is in need of some exercise and a weight loss plan. When her owners brought her to the shelter, they said she had "bad hip issues".  When the shelter examined her, they did not find any significant issues, and after our own examination, we have noted that she seems to be just way out of shape. She has been running around the play field, and hasn't seemed to be in any pain, as she explores and jogs around. We feel that with some nice daily walks, and better nutrition, she will feel better in general. She seems to walk pretty nicely on a leash, so the walks should be easy and fun for all involved.The additional exercise should also help Rhee with what her former owners described as "picking fights with other dogs". We haven't noticed any extreme dog aggression. What we have seen is that she can be walked near other dogs on leash, and she pays no attention to them. However, when two dogs came rushing at the fence to meet her, she did grown at them. She responded to our volunteer with the commands "knock it off" and "leave it", and she stopped growling and continued on her walk. She seems very responsive and smart, and should be easy to train, and teaching her the command, "leave it" will make a huge difference.  Rhee is also very food motivated, which makes training her much easier.The perfect home for Rhee would be a home that will give her plenty of love, daily exercise and a balanced nutrition plan to help keep her at a healthy weight. Also a home without small children or other dogs. We don't know if she lived with a cat, but seems to do well around the resident cat, so a cat home is a possibility. This sweet girl certainly deserves a chance to spend the rest of her life being loved and cherished in a forever home.  If Rhee sounds like she would be a good fit for you, please apply here. 


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