Meet Luna!

Luna DSC_0396w8x6Luna is a beautiful 11 year old liver with white German Shorthaired Pointer.  She is just a love, and is making fast friends among our volunteers.  She is great with other dogs and loves being with her people.  She is also great with kids. She has been described as a great family dog by her previous owners.  She could also be a candidate for a cat home.The perfect home for Luna would be where someone is home all day, can take her to work with them, or works from home, as we have been told that she has some separation anxiety, and gets very anxious when left alone.  She would be the perfect dog to go anywhere with you as she has an incredible temperament, and gets along with everyone she meets.Luna is very obedient and responds to all basic commands. She has also been off leash trained.  Her favorite thing to do is going to the beach accompanied with a stick or a ball, and she is ready to play at any moment.Luna may be 11, but she still has plenty of GSP energy to burn, and will benefit from daily exercise of a walk or two, and trips to the beach.  She is happiest being anywhere you are.If you have the lifestyle that would be a good fit for Luna, and are interested in learning more about her, please apply here.Be sure to check our Facebook Page throughout the day for more photos of Luna playing at the beach!


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