Meet Lexi!

Lexi is a beautiful, all-liver, senior female German Shorthaired Pointer. At 11 years young, she has plenty of GSP years left! She is very special, and will need some special people to call her own. She is blind, but doesn't let that stop her. She loves her walks and loves to explore the outdoors. Yes, she will need a little time to get used to the layout of her new home and yard, but her ability and willingness to follow your calls will make that easier. She is used to living in a home and is housebroken among other great qualities.Lexi is really great with other dogs. She doesn't care if they sniff her or bump her a little - no offense taken. She is very accepting of people handling her as well - which makes us wonder at the reason she was given up at the shelter. Her family of 10 years said she was "not interested in children". While we wouldn't recommend very young children as Lexi uses a bump-and-turn method of navigating at times, we have known her to be only gentle and sweet.Another way to guide Lexi around is treats! She loves all sorts of treats and can follow her nose to them. She also seems to know what a cat smells like, so doggy households only please!It's tempting to feel sorry for Miss Lexi. A blind dog. A senior dog. Given up by her family after 10 years; loosing the home she had almost all of her life. But Lexi isn't sad. She seems to enjoy every volunteer she meets and every walk she takes. If you'd love a mellow and sweet senior, if you like easy walks and snuggling with your best friend, then apply to adopt Lexi! Don't let her blindness stop you - She certainly doesn't let it stop her! 


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