Meet Jordie!

Jordie_dsc_0550_w64Jordie is a 5 year old male German Shorthaired Pointer.

Jordie came to us from a shelter after his owner surrendered him there with Demodectic Mange.  We have been treating Jordie, and he is looking and feeling much better.Jordie is a wonderful boy.  He is a normal GSP in every way. He loves to play, loves getting and giving affection and attention to people, and gets along great with other dogs.We are looking for a home for Jordie that will provide him with a good healthy diet, and he will greatly benefit from a daily dose of Probiotics and a good Multi Vitamin to help keep his immune system up.Most importantly, Jordie needs to be a loved and cherished part of a family, as he was left outside his whole life.  Jordie will need to be house trained, but he is extremely smart, and this should be fairly easy to manage and incorporate him into a routine fairly quickly.Jordie is a very happy fun loving dog enjoyed by all the volunteers and people he meets. We want Jordie to receive the love and care he needs to thrive which is why Jordie being in a home with a family is so important for him.If you have room in your home and your heart for Jordie, please apply here.[donate_button button_type="custom" title="Please Help Jordie" description="Please consider making a small donation to help cover Jordie's medical expenses and watch his amazing transformation" style="wdf-fresh"]

Trigger is Adopted!


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