Meet Gray!

gray-dsc_0183w8x6Gray is 4 year old GSP with some of the most soulful eyes you will ever see. When you pet him and rub his ears, his focus is all on you - until the eyes droop and he falls asleep. Once this active boy has had his exercise, he is very affectionate and performs the "gsp lean" perfectly!Gray is 4 years old and an active boy, though, so he really does need his exercise! He is learning to run alongside a bicycle and with a little more practice, this will be a great way to exercise him! Gray also loves the water and we think he'd really enjoy a family that would take him to the beach, that has a pool, or even is willing to get a big kiddie pool! He also loves his time in the bathtub or shower and doesn't seem to mind a pedicure.Gray enjoys playing with the other dogs, too, and would do well in a multi-dog home. He has done well on recall, and knows a few commands. He does need some work on a leash as he pulls like the rest of the 4 year old GSPs! He loves the interaction with his humans, but we've noticed he gets bored fast without you in the yard, and has no problem going over or climbing a chain link fence. He is VERY curious about what's on the other side and tries hard to get there. Therefore, Gray needs a home that won't leave him in the yard unattended, or has a taller than average fence.He has some old scars which may be from getting caught on a fence, and we want to make sure that doesn't happen again, so someone who will have plenty of time to exercise, train, and pay attention to him will be his ideal forever home. And one more thing, we are told he knows some commands in Russian! Don't worry if you don't speak Russian, though, we are teaching him English and he's doing very well!If you are looking for a companion to fit your active lifestyle, and are interested in meeting Gray, please apply here.  


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