Meet Diamond!

Diamond_h_DSC_0684w64Diamond is a 2 year old beautiful female German Shorthaired Pointer who loves affection and belly rubs.  Diamond loves people, and seems to be fine around older children.  She gets along well with other larger dogs, but would be best in a home without small dogs or cats, as she has a very strong prey drive.Diamond is a young German Shorthaired Pointer, and requires plenty of exercise.  She hasn't had much training, so she would need someone that would devote their time to give her plenty of exercise and training so that she can thrive.Diamond spent most of her time previously outdoors, so the perfect home would be where she would be house trained, and be a part of the family indoors."Diamond ~ One having exceptionally good qualities or the potential for greatness but lacking polish and refinement". We think this pretty much sums it up perfectly!If you are active and are devoted to give a beautiful, loving German Shorthaired Pointer the time, proper training, patience, love, and "a little polishing and refinement", you should definitely consider taking a closer look at Diamond.Take a closer look at Diamond here.You can inquire about Diamond by completing an application here.   


In Memory of Ranger "the best dog ever"


Izzy is Safe!