Meet David!

David DSC_0185w8x6 David is an approximately 8 year old German Shorthaired Pointer, and is a big, handsome guy. He started off a little shy, but since moving into a foster home, is becoming more outgoing and affectionate. David can often be found snuggling up against visitors looking for a pet. He is also getting along wonderfully with the pack and happily hanging out with the gang. David, affectionately known as "Davey" to his foster mom Jan, is just a cool, mellow kind of guy! Even better, this once shy dog now just loves people, and will excitedly announce any visitors! Davey seems to enjoy the water and can often be found splashing around the baby pool at the rescue. Davey does not, however appreciate cats and would need to go to a cat-free home.This poor boy came to the shelter as a stray with his buddy Goliath and, after the holding period, California GSP Rescue was there to take both of them. Although Goliath has been adopted, David is still waiting!  Being a little older often means taking longer to find a home. However, as many GSP owners have discovered, an older GSP is still plenty active, plenty adventurous, and plenty of fun! The little grey eyebrows on an older GSP are quite irresistible as well and there is much to be said for a dog that doesn't demand a ton of exercise, as a younger GSP will! Let's face it, eight years old is NOT old in GSP years, but at that age a GSP is willing to give his humans a little break from the fetching and might be just a little less mischievous!David would be a wonderful addition to a multi-dog home, but would also be good as the only dog in the home - although he gets along great with the other dogs, he is just as happy to focus on his people!If you have room in your home and in your heart for David, please apply here.


Meet Sir Duke!


Gunner And Duke Jr. Are Adopted - Together!