Meet Choco!

Choco+DSC_0564w8x6Meet Choco! A beautiful 7 year old male German Shorthaired Pointer with plenty of energy, but at an age where you can count on him being "chill" in your home. The volunteers agree that Choco is a very sweet boy! We've found out he loves the water, and his former owners tell us he has been very good with children. This great adult GSP already knows a lot of commands, like "sit" and "stay" and "come" - although we are told he is selective about following the "come" command, pretty typical for a GSP, he wants to make sure you really mean it!Choco has lived with other bigger dogs, although we aren't sure yet about whether a small dog would be a good companion for him. He has also been around horses much of his life!Unfortunately, Choco lost his home when his owners divorced. Luckily, he was taken in by friends where he lived for a couple of years as a member of their family. His luck didn't last too long, as that family had to sell their home and he went to live with another friend. This time, it didn't work out for poor Choco as their fences were only 3 feet tall. As you can imagine, the temptation to go over that three-foot fence and have some fun was just too much temptation for Choco.When his third home was unable to keep him, his owner decided to check into California GSP Rescue. Now, we can make sure to find a home that can provide the exercise, home and yard that Choco needs. A family that can give him some structure and reinforce his training will be important since he's been in a few homes now. We want Choco to know his new home is his forever home!So, if you are ready and committed to giving this wonderful adult GSP a home, please apply here and mention Choco!


Meet Honey!


Pints For Pointers Next Stop! Ventura!