Meet Charlotte!

Charlotte dsc_6156 w64Charlotte is a beautiful ten year old liver and white ticked female German Shorthaired Pointer.  She is such a happy, energetic, and sweet girl!  Sadly, she has lost her home twice now - both times due to her owners' string of bad luck and loosing their homes. Charlotte was certainly not given up by any fault of her own as she is quite an easy dog to have around. She knows commands like "sit", "down" and "come" and walks pretty well on a leash. She got to spend quite a bit of time off-leash hiking with her former owner as well. She is also crate-trained and does well with the many dogs in the play field at the Rescue. She loves to play fetch, but is fine with the other dogs getting the ball too.Charlotte was given up with her 6 year old "brother" Clyde and the two clearly have a sweet relationship and a sort of quiet understanding. She is the big sis that helps Clyde be confident and he keeps her young and active. It is quite amusing to see Clyde take off the minute you have the ball in your hand while Charlotte - with the wisdom that comes with age - waits to see which direction it is going. She can't beat him on speed, but seems to enjoy outsmarting him on occasion! We are hoping to find a home that can handle double the GSP love and will adopt them both. This will be the third home for both - and we hope the last - and we hope they can start their new lives having each other to lean on.To learn more about Clyde and Charlotte, please apply here. 


Lucky is Adopted!


Meet Clyde!