Meet Charlie

Charlie GSP three legged Charlie is an approximately 18 month old happy, snuggly German Shorthaired Pointer. He is a sweet boy who is ready and eager to learn!Charlie came into the rescue missing a part of his hind leg due to the neglect of his former owner, but it is healed now and he learns a little more every day about how to get around more efficiently. He doesn't let a little thing like missing a foot keep him down!Charlie is active just like any normal young German Shorthaired Pointer Pup! He loves his walks, likes to chase a ball, and really enjoys playing with the other dogs! Charlie has also developed some special skills that his 4-footed brothers don't know about: he can pee on a bush while doing a handstand!Charlie is doing pretty well in a crate, knows how to use a dog door, and will sit for a treat. He's always up for a snuggle and a pet and has perfected the GSP lean!This young GSP will need an active home with plenty of daily exercise, play time, continued training, and of course lots of love! We assure you, he will return that love tenfold!If you are interested in adopting this 3-footed wonder, please apply here and mention Charlie!


Meet Brook!


Meet Elli Mae!