Max's foster family getting him ready for a forever home

Max, a young GSP, was recently was lucky enough to find a foster family to take care of him until his forever family comes along. They visited GSP Rescue and were quite impressed with this energetic boy. "We had a great time out at the rescue Saturday, and we had the opportunity to see Max's moves out on the field and he's fast!", Max's foster mom Angela tells us.  She reported that he crashed in the back seat all the way home. Relaxing is something we at the rescue didn't see Max do too much of!  That's one of the best things about foster homes, it allows the dogs to relax and be themselves. It also allows the dogs to work on their 'house skills'.  Angela proudly wrote to us to say, "Max's big accomplishment is that he has not had any "accidents" in the house the past 3 days... I think he's got it!'Thank you to all the volunteers at the rescue who exercise and work with the GSPs, and to the foster families that open up their homes and hearts to these wonderful dogs!


Hope gets adopted!

