Maggie's Vet Bill

Maggie, one of the rescue’s adoptable GSPs, was ready to go home with her new adoptive family but a growth was noticed on her neck. Since the growth didn’t feel like a lipoma (a benign fatty tumor), a vet appointment was made for Maggie. Dr. Kang didn't like the way the growth felt either and scheduled surgery, which turned out to be a little more complicated than Dr Kang had originally anticipated when he discovered there were actually two growths located around Maggie's jugular vein. Luckily, Dr. Kang was able to remove both growths successfully and Maggie is recovering nicely from surgery. She’ll be adopted very soon by the same family, and they are looking forward to helping nurse her back to health. The pathology report indicates that the growths were salivary gland tumors most likely caused by a foxtail.This is the second surgery bill within a short time to face CA GSP Rescue, and we are once again asking for your assistance. Please donate what you can so that we can meet our goal on ChipIn to pay for Maggie's surgery.


Harvey's ChipIn


Tobey gets adopted!