Maggie Is Adopted!

Not long ago we were notified about Maggie, who was found as a stray, and taken to a local shelter. Maggie’s owner was known, and when the shelter contacted them, they let the shelter know they wouldn’t be picking her up. We don’t know how someone could discard such an incredible dog, a member of their family, but thankfully it enabled her to have a second chance for a better life.Then two paths crossed at just the right time...Arthur and Helayne had adopted Bevo, a senior GSP from us back in April of 2016 after falling in love with him at one of our adoption events. Earlier this year, we received the sad news that Bevo had passed away. A short time later, Arthur and Helayne noticed Maggie on our website, and contacted us to learn more about her. They had read her story, and with their huge hearts and love for older dogs, they wanted to reach out to see if Maggie would be a good fit for their family.Arthur and Helayne came out to meet Maggie, and it didn't take long to see it was love at first sight, and it was without a doubt, they weren't going home without her. We received an update from Arthur and Helayne, and Maggie seems to be settling in very well.Maggie is doing great. She and the other dogs are getting along fine. She's chosen her favorite chair on which to nap, and has staked out her favorite spot in the backyard to sun herself. She has a lot of energy. Hard to believe she's 9! She's just a love. We're very happy with her, and she seems happy as well.Thank you Arthur and Helayne for coming back to adopt another older dog. We like to think you have paid it forward for Bevo, helping another dog in need, and we are pretty certain, Bevo would approve.


Ginger Is Adopted!


Meet Yuma!