Mac is safe!

Mac_Dan_DSC_8745w64Trying to help isn't always easy and our success requires the time and effort of many individuals. Take for instance Mac. He showed up at a local shelter earlier this week. Ironically, it was the same shelter he had been adopted from just a few months prior. Volunteer Andrea sent an email that he had been returned which set the wheels in motion. We learned that Volunteer Dan was available to help transport. Andrea and Dan went on their lunch to pull Mac from the kill shelter. Dan then transported Mac and met another volunteer who transported Mac the last leg. Fortunately, this was a fairly short transport that didn't involve  more than two legs. A big thanks to Volunteers Dan and Andrea for helping Mac get to safety and one step closer to his forever home.If you are interested in helping by visiting a shelter, helping transport, or lending a hand in some other way, please, contact us. We're always looking for a few extra hands to assist.


Pippin is Adopted!


Ptarmigan and Friends