Mac Is Adopted!

Volunteering for a rescue, we find ourselves - quite literally - rooting for the underdog! Mac was one of our favorite "underdogs". He's sweet, affectionate, obedient, smart, and funny. We loved his silly antics in the pool and his constant willingness to roll over for a belly rub. And we loved to see him blossom as he learned to get along with, and play with other dogs. At times, we felt that he must love us a little too much because he seemed to sabotage each adoption appointment! He would forget his manners around other dogs or ignore the visitors. Time after time, people would visit and select a different dog. Then, one day, a very lovely lady decided to take him home - we were overjoyed! She thought he was just awesome (and, of course, we agreed). And then, her dog decided sharing a home was not in the cards and Mac came back. So again, we searched for a foster, or adopter, to see the special Mac we all knew. Although neither foster could be permanent, we learned a lot more about Mr. Mac and continued to tell potential adopters about our favorite dog. And then Michelle and family met him....and the rest is history! Our adoption counselor felt he would be a good fit for her. What we didn't know, is Mac also bore a remarkable resemblance to Michelle's former dog!After taking him for a long walk and seeing how responsive he was, Michelle decided to take him home. She's been just awesome for Mac - being his leader and teaching him what she expects, feeding him the best food, and making sure he has plenty of exercise and fun! In turn, Mac seems to have decided he finally likes someone as well as his Rescue family and we've received some great updates like, "He is doing better on his walks even without a harness. We are very impressed he is so responsive to commands and super friendly with people!" and "He is walking better on a leash every day and the "leave it" command is very useful for ignoring other dogs." and most importantly "We are happy to have him here!"Michelle and family, it's clear Mac has chosen you for his forever home!


Meet Ahlen!


Meet Abby!