Mac is Adopted!

Mac_Jon_Susan_DSC_1882w64Mac has found his forever home! Now called Crash (a name most GSP owners can relate to!),Mac has fit right in to his family. His new mom Susan sent us this great update and we feel certain Crash is where he was meant to be!"'Jon and are I so happy with Crash's  energy and love that he has shown us. We finally felt comfortable enough to take him to a dog park this past weekend and loved to see him run, play and enjoy himself around so many other dog breeds. He is full of energy most of the time and loves attention from Jon and I.  He knows now he has found his forever home."Thank you Susan and Jon for opening your heart and home to a rescue dog.  Enjoy your life Mac... Sounds like you hit the jackpot! 


Thank you Team Members for helping us meet our goal!

