Mac: Still Looking for His Forever Family!

mac_pool1He's cute, he's funny, he's talented and trained - he's MAC! And Mac would like you to know that a great and loving dog doesn't just come in liver and white; some are only part GSP, but all wonderful!Dogs like Mac are the reason we take GSP mixes at the California GSP Rescue. They take on many of the wonderful qualities that attract people to the GSP breed; qualities like affection, energy, loyalty and intelligence  But often the mixes lack some of the more challenging aspects of a GSP, like out of control energy and stubbornness! Such is the case with Mac - he's smart, affectionate and loyal, but a bit more mellow than a GSP his age might be. He is just the right mix of maturity and puppy attitude as he prances around the play field, explores, and plays with the other dogs. Unlike a puppy, though, Mac actually listens and does what he's told! He was even sent to one of those "doggy bootcamps" by his former owner, who was just a bit too old to keep up with Mac - but this gave him a foundation of training that a lucky family can easily build on. And he knows the cutest trick to stand up and beg - with his cute little spotted nose and adorable eyes, he will surely con a cookie or two out of you!This GSP mix gets along with other dogs on walks and those that he's been properly introduced to, but would be best as the only dog in the home. Most importantly,  Mac is great with all of the people he’s met, checking in for pets and perhaps to see if today’s volunteer has a cookie for him!   If this awesome and youthful 8 year old dog sounds like a great addition to your family, please complete an application here and be sure to mention MAC!!


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