Lucy and Desi Are Safe!

In the past, September was the month that California GSP Rescue turned its attention from the influx of dogs that is normal through the summer to adoptions. Historically, shelters and rescues see an influx of dogs pre-holidays (winter and summer); however, this year, the influx continued into September when California GSP Rescue received a message from an animal control officer. A lover of GSP’s, they were concerned for two German Shorthaired Pointers at the animal shelter, Lucy and Desi.

Lucy and Desi were young, estimated 1-year-old, and had been at the shelter for two weeks. None of the visitors to the shelter looking to adopt had expressed any interest in Lucy and Desi. Their owner hadn't come to claim them, but seeing the two dogs were tied to a bench with a cable, something the pair couldn't chew through, the animal shelter wasn't optimistic anyone would be showing up.

The animal shelter had multiple dogs in kennels - a way of managing the limited space when they reached their capacity. However, as a shelter that euthanizes, there is a process for freeing up kennels. Fortunately for Lucy and Desi, they had a friend at the shelter that didn't want the pair to be euthanized to create space.

California GSP Rescue immediately reached out to the adoption coordinator at the animal shelter to inquire about Lucy and Desi. Yes, the pair was available, and the adoption coordinator was more than willing to make arrangements for California GSP Rescue to pick the two GSP’s up later that day.

It had been a busy week for California GSP Rescue. Lucy and Desi would be the sixth and seventh dogs rescued from an animal shelter in the past five days. In addition to making arrangements to pick up and transport, there was the time needed for intake and further evaluation. However, time would be made for two more German Shorthaired Pointers needing rescue. California GSP Rescue Volunteer made an appointment with the adoption coordinator to visit the animal shelter later that day.

At the shelter, The Volunteer noted the full kennels and the number of kennels with multiple dogs. Over half the dogs wouldn't be adopted but would be euthanized for space for more dogs that would fill the kennels a short time later. The echo of the barking made it challenging to hear the Adoption Coordinator indicate they were arriving at the kennel with Lucy and Desi.

The pair of young GSP’s wiggled and jumped with excitement. They were happy to get out of the kennel and play in the small yard but had no idea what was in store. Unlike the other shelter dogs, they were no longer in danger of being euthanized. Lucy and Desi were safe.

California GSP Rescue is an all-volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing and placing German Shorthaired Pointers allowing for more open kennels at the shelters, and fewer dogs euthanized. With the support of the Rescue Heroes and dedicated Volunteers, California GSP Rescue is making a difference in the pet overpopulation, shelter overcrowding, and needless euthanizing of the pets someone no longer wants.


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