In Loving Memory Of Stryker

stryker-elroy-dsc_0006w64Stryker went into foster care a little under a year ago with Deana and her family. They welcomed this not so perfect senior boy into their home and into their hearts to care for him while we worked to find him a forever home. They loved him unconditionally, and made him feel a part of a family.Our hearts are heavy, as we bring you the news that Stryker has passed away. We are always truly grateful for our foster families, and we appreciate everything Deana and her family did for Stryker.  Although we are deeply saddened about losing Stryker, we are truly happy for Stryker that as it turned out, he did find his forever home..."Rest in peace my sweet Stryker. You can now go run and play with the other pups up in doggie heaven. You will be missed so much. Although we only had 10 months together, you touched our hearts in so many ways. We love you!!!!! I now understand how a senior dog can be so rewarding. Stryker was a lot of work. He had issues with urination, bowels, his back legs, and his back. I’m not sure how great his eyesight was and he was mostly deaf. He could be pretty grumpy sometimes too. His tail didn’t wag either. At first, I wondered what we got ourselves into when we agreed to foster him. But we figured out within the week or so, what would work for him. There were a few times I consulted with the Rescue when a situation would come up and they were wonderful responding with advice.I really connected with Stryker when he started showing his “happy ears.” Stryker couldn’t wag his tail, but he would put his ears back and go in circles around me whenever I came home and sometimes when I came down the stairs. He captured my heart the first time I saw that and I fell in love with him right then and there. He started playing fetch too. I saw him run a few times and was so excited to see that. Stryker loved to go on walks with our two dogs. He especially loved Toby. He would walk a little faster when he was with his pack. We watched him blossom and become a part of our family.Although, Stryker was a lot of work, my husband and I agreed we would do it all over again to have the time we did with Stryker. We weren’t ready to let him go, but old age and it’s complications decided it was time. Even though you have to go through the tears and sorrow of losing a dog, it’s well worth it no matter how short or long the time. They bring such great joy into your life. I will never forget those “happy ears” and the love I felt when I came home to them".


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