Little Lexi Is Safe!

Little Lexi was found as a stray, and taken to a local shelter where she sat and waited for her owners to come and take her home. She waited, and waited and waited, but they never came for her.When Little Lexi was made available to the public, she had an adopter interested in her, but due to a medical finding the shelter, they were no longer interested in adopting her. She sat at the shelter for a month, and her days were numbered. This is where the California GSP Rescue stepped in.We sent one of our volunteers, Lisa to drive to the shelter to evaluate Little Lexi, and we discovered that she had a growth near her anal gland which required surgery. We knew that even at 5 years old, it would be difficult to find someone to adopt her, and take on that responsibility. We took Little Lexi to Dr. Kang for an examination, and scheduled her for surgery to have her spayed, and to remove the lump in her anal gland which turned out to be a cystic sarcoma, but felt he was able to get it all. We are learning more about Lexi, and we are finding that she is very sweet, smart and responsive to commands. Watch our website for more on this beautiful little girl very soon!We would like to thank volunteer Lisa for dropping everything to drive to the shelter to pick up Little Lexi, and for volunteer Cathy for getting Little Lexi to Dr. Kang, and for having her as a temporary houseguest after her surgery.As with so many dogs that come into the CA GSP Rescue, it costs money to "spring" them from the shelter. Then, there is the cost of spaying and neutering and, as in Little Lexi's case, surgery for a lump. In most cases, the adoption fees do not cover the cost of getting a dog to safety, housing, feeding, veterinary care, well, you get the idea. We are fortunate that we have many wonderful people to help us with the costs, and we hope you will consider helping with Little Lexi's costs - and the many dogs that will come after her.There are two ways to help. One, is to be a Rescue Hero. A Rescue Hero signs you up for a monthly donation of any amount and helps us meet our obligations every day. The other is to give what you can when you can. There are links to both below. We appreciate your consideration and all of you who choose to share your hard-earned money to help wonderful dogs like Little Lexi!Become a Rescue Hero and help meet the costs for all of our dogs, every month!Help with a one time donation below to cover the bills for sweet Little Lexi![seamless-donations] 


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