Lily gets adopted!

Lily, formerly known as Roxie, was recently adopted by Jeff and Lana. Last week they sent us a very special update that we felt would be best shared with you. "...everything is going well! We love Lily (aka Roxie) to pieces. So far, we’ve taken her on lots of walks, runs, out to breakfast and trips to Petco... A la Letterman, we put together our top reasons why we feel like she’s working out nicely:Top Reasons why we LOVE Lily:1. Makes us laugh:  Lily seems to be a silly dog because she’s always making us laugh with her very active dreams complete with tail wagging and sniffing, her extensive morning & evening stretching routine and the couple times that she’s run into the screen door when she’s excited to go outside.2. Sweet, gentle personality: Lily is very friendly to people and other dogs. On our morning walks, there are two Yorkies that are barking and practically tearing off their owner’s leash and Lily just walks by and looks at them like “Why are you barking?”3. Loves to play:  Lily loves to play with her ball and her toy duck (picture attached below). Every morning, she wakes up and beelines for the duck and carries it until it’s time for her walk.4. Loves her walks & runs: Even though she’s eight, Jeff ran her on a nearby trail and was impressed at how fast she could go.  We’re working on her leash skills but, we know she loves birds because Lily wanted to get at the birds on the trail!5. Great companion: Lily seems content just being with us. On the first night, her bed was in a location where she couldn’t see us on and she wouldn’t lay in it. I moved her bed so she could see us when we were having dinner or watching TV and now, she lays in it all the time.6. Tests our parenting skills: Lily is definitely testing her boundaries and we’re working on some things like not jumping up on the counters or couch but, we can’t stop spoiling her with hugs and kisses!"Thanks Jeff and Lana for adopting Lily and the wonderful update!


10 Canine Commandments


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