Lexi Is Safe!

alexis-1-editedIt is not an exaggeration to say California GSP Rescue was Lexi's only chance. She had been returned to the shelter by her adopter for behavioral problems after only a couple of days in their home. While we are concerned when we hear this,  we also know many people don't give a dog enough space and time to settle into their new lives. It is understandable - after all, we humans know we are giving this dog a home, a cushy bed, and a wonderful new life. We often forget that the dog just knows it is in a new and unfamiliar place.When we found out all that Lexi had been through in just a few short weeks, and knowing the shelter may not adopter her out, we knew we had to meet her and see if we could help. Poor Lexi had wound up in the shelter, then moved to another shelter, then was spayed, then adopted, then returned! Knowing how much dogs like their routines and familiarity - and knowing how scary a shelter can be, we felt there must be more to Lexi.Our volunteer Greg went to the shelter to meet this beautiful girl. She was quite hesitant at first, but soon warmed up to him and the treats he brought. She was distracted by the smells in the yard, but came when he asked her to, and showed she was willing to do a couple of commands. Knowing she'd been through so much, Greg let Lexi get to know him at her own pace. She gradually became more comfortable and he could see she was sweet and definitely had potential. A decision was made to bring her back to California GSP Rescue where we could continue to work with her and uncover her real personality. We will let Lexi get to know us - and our many treats - at her own pace so that she has a chance to succeed.Dogs like Lexi have very little chance of getting adopted from shelters. They need the individual attention that a Rescue can give them.  We are very appreciative of our supporters, who donate their hard-earned money to help us continue giving dogs like Lexi a second chance.[give_form id="33769"] 


Copper's Story


Goliath is Adopted!