Lady Bird is Adopted!

ladybird_4thJulyLady Bird had quite an adventure getting to GSP Rescue. She exited the Sacramento shelter with the help of NorCal GSP Rescue, and made it down to us with the help of some volunteers with Pilots and Paws.
One of those volunteers, Eric, thought Lady Bird was something very special and applied to adopt her. In the meantime, she had undergone surgery with Dr. Kang to remove several growths, all of which were benign! Eric and Brooke know they will need to be diligent in watching for more lumps and have them removed right away, but they are thrilled to have Lady Bird in their family!
We were thrilled to receive this recent update from her new family, as well as some great photos of Lady Bird doing what she does best: pointing, napping and snuggling! Eric tells us, "Lady Bird is doing really well.  She really is a sweetheart and seems to have bonded to Brooke and I very quickly.  She goes into her crate at night with ease and never barks.  I have her sitting, rolling over, shaking hands, staying, and coming to me when off leash at the dog park. Dog treats do wonders! We've probably put 10-15 miles of walking/jogging with her so far and she seems to love it. She has even gone on an airplane ride and sits in the back with no issues.  Loud noises don't seem to bother her.
However, she does not like sheep dog, her stuffed animal, due to the high pitched squeak. Still looking for a good dog toy for her. She's a perfect fit for us.... Thank you!"
We thank you, Eric and Brooke, as well as Pilots and Paws, for helping sweet Lady Bird find her forever home!

The 2014 Ventura Pooch Parade!


Matrix Here Waiting...