Kenny's Journey: July 9th, Visiting the Rescue

It's Saturday, so it's "rescue day". Kenny, my daughter, and I head off to the rescue to meet potential adopters and work with the other volunteers. Kenny jumps right in to the back seat of the truck - he clearly enjoys a car ride. At the rescue, however, we have to carry him from the car to the gate. He doesn't try to squirm out of my arms - thank goodness, he's heavy!Once at the rescue, he peeks his head out from under the trees and ventures across the field once or twice. He has two families who are interested in his very sweet self! It is difficult for people to see the dog he will become, but we've done this before with Kenny's shy sister, and we know what's ahead for him. He takes a walk with one family and let's the children of the other family pet him. I have no worries around the little children with him. He, and his brothers and sisters, have shown only gentleness in their personalities.Kenny receives a treat of a chewy stick from one of the potential adopters as we load up to go home. I can hear him crunching away the entire ride! This is good for him; because he didn't get bones at the kennel and he inhales his food so his teeth weren't getting anything abrasive. We started brushing his teeth yesterday, too. He tolerated it, but clearly thought we were going too far.When we got home, we got to witness two big milestones: First, he took a nap with me - not just on the same couch, but curled up behind my legs, head resting on me. Second, after his nap and dinner, he went outside as usual to do his business but, this time, he carried a toy back inside and began tossing it around! We played a little tug with it, he ripped it's ears off and spit them out, and he shook that little piggy around. It was the first time we witnessed a little puppy joy out of him. It sure feels good.


Zoe gets adopted!


Vicki gets adopted!