Kenny's Journey: July 7th

Kenny slept quietly through the night. The kennel is upstairs in our bedroom - how are we going to get him outside before nature calls when he wants to run away from us? Charlie to the rescue! We put a leash on Charlie and run her out to the back yard - Kenny follows his new best friend right outside and takes care of business. No way he's going to take the treat from the crazy lady who keeps repeating "good potty", "good potty".

Today we start treating him like one of the family, no more tiptoeing around. Kenny gets to ride on the boat with Charlie Dog and Foster Mom and Dad. I have found he will come close if I sit on the ground with him, so I sit on the bottom of the boat with Charlie draped over one leg and Kenny pressed up against the other.

We drop anchor close to shore at Fiesta Island. I jump in first, followed by Charlie (okay, Charlie is a water-hating GSP, so she was sent in by her dad.). Foster Dad lowers Kenny into my arms. He sees Charlie swimming around and happily follows. It's the first time he looks comfortable around us and he seems to love the water! A little jog on the beach and swimming back to the boat and Kenny takes a nap, head resting on Charlie, for the rest of the day's journey.

That night, back at home, he takes a treat from my hand - with his tail wagging. Just like a real dog.


Sheldon makes a splash


Sugar gets a bath