Kenny's Journey: July 11 - No more gates

I spent the majority of today running errands and running kids around. Kenny stayed at home with one of my daughters. He is restricted to the tile portion of the downstairs by two gates - not that he needs it, he has been accident-free the entire time he's been in our home. However, better safe than sorry.When I came in the door, imagine my surprise to see TWO dogs greeting me! My daughter claims she never saw Kenny "escape", but that might have something to do with the television that was blaring at the time.  After a thorough inspection of the house, we decided to give up the gates. He seems like a pretty responsible young man - more than I can say for his babysitter today!As I write this, Kenny sits in a bed next to my chair with two toys and a rawhide. I see him play with both toys all over the house, but they always seem to make it back to the dog bed. Clearly, we have taught him to clean up after himself (or at least that's my story). 


Bear gets adopted!


Deuce gets adopted!