Kekoa is a gentleman in his new home

8 year old Kekoa was recently adopted by Sibet and George.  They renamed him Keko, and are really enjoying their new addition. They wrote us to say, "Keko is doing great. His personality is really starting to emerge and he is so loving and funny. He is making great eye contact all the time now and listens when we talk to him. He is very attuned to George and I, and is very obedient. A real gentleman in the house; he does not jump on furniture or even enter certain rooms (eg kitchen) without being invited! "Keko has plenty of energy for nice walks and fetch, but as an adult dog, is mellower and easier to train, as his new family can attest to, "We have not had to use food/treats to do obedience training. He really responds to positive reinforcement and being a member of our "pack" and is very eager to please. We really feel like we hit the jackpot with this dog."Thank you adopters Sibet and George for giving such a great home to an adult dog![portfolio_slideshow]


Featured Dog - Macy loves her treats


Mojo in the field