Keko - poster child for adopting an adult dog

A few months ago, George and Sibet adopted Keko and recently sent the following update."Just wanted to update you on our sweet Keko (formerly Kekoa).  He has been with us 3 months as of last week, and I cannot tell you the joy he has brought to our lives. He truly is the poster child for adopting an adult dog--being incredibly smart, loving, easy to train, soooo well behaved, but still so frisky and fun--no one can believe he is a rescue!""He spends his days being my personal trainer on long walks, sunning himself in garden, keeping us company and playing with his favorite toys. I do not need to wear a watch anymore because Keko, who loves his schedule, keeps us all running on time for feeding, walking, nap time, and play time. A cold snout will find me if I am running late at any of these activities--especially food time!"Thanks George and Sibet for the update and letting us know the joys of adopting an adult GSP!


Call to action to save shelter animals


Bella gets adopted!