KC gets adopted! Part II

A few weeks back, KC, now known as Sculley, was adopted by former adopters, Ray, Irene, & Matthew. This is second part of the update that Irene sent,"While we have provided two beds, Scully prefers to sit or rest right next to Carrie and as long as she doesn't mind... we let him.  We are looking for two new beds EXACTLY alike, hopefully this will remedy the problem, but probably not......Carrie and Scully are doing okay.  In fact, Carrie is acting more like a dog these days, although, the difference in age is apparent.  You were right about Scully mimicking.  He is beginning to become quite the gentleman, following hand signs and listening intently, but he is still very much a puppy.  He does piddle from time to time, but he's getting the hang of outside/inside behavior.They both love the ball and after watching Carrie, Scully is getting the hang of releasing the ball to us.  He does this funny thing when he's got "his" ball.  He'll go to one of the water bowls, move the ball to one side of his mouth, and try to lap up water with his tongue.  He is completely unsuccessful with this and it is too funny to watch.  I've been trying to get a picture, but by the time I grab the camera, his little mind is chasing something else.  He's such a clumsy little tyke."Thanks for sharing the update on two rescued GSPs![portfolio_slideshow]


Jake Jr.; Puppy Plumber


November is Adopt-A-Senior Month