KC gets adopted! Part I

KC, now known as Scully, gets adopted. Previous adopters, Ray, Irene, and Matthew, came out with their adopted GSP, Carrie, to meet KC. There was a little concern as Carrie, who is a ball nut and loves to fetch, would tolerate a little younger GSP, however, she was great with the younger GSP that doesn't know quite yet how to behave around adults. Irene writes the following update, "We've been on Rainy Day Schedule for the last couple of days. It's been pretty cold and these guys can't understand why they can't go out for a walk. KC or as Matthew now calls him, Scully, is doing just fine. Carrie and Scully seem to be getting along great too."Irene sent some great photos that will be shared in a later post along with the rest of her update. We always love hearing from adopters especially the repeat adopters!


November is Adopt-A-Senior Month


Max knows the basics