Kai and Cody are Adopted!

Gunnar_Kai_Todd_Alicia_DSC_5977w64All of the adoptions here at CA GSP Rescue are special, but once in a while one comes along that breaks all the barriers...Todd and Alicia originally contacted us looking to adopt a younger male.  When Todd and Alicia came out to meet Kai, it was not their original plan to adopt two dogs, but when they adopted Kai and took him home, they discovered in the first week that Kai had a fairly severe case of separation anxiety.Todd and Alicia had fallen in love with Kai, and wanted to do anything they could to be able to keep him. Two of our regular volunteers had dealt with what they thought was a similar case of separation anxiety with one of their own dogs, and took Kai home to foster and work with helping him overcome his anxiety issues.Through Kai's foster experience we all discovered that Kai's anxieties were far less with a four legged companion.  That doesn't mean the anxiety dissipated, but a second dog kept Kai's anxieties in check.  After a month, Kai was making huge progress, and Todd and Alicia decided to adopt another companion for Kai, and came out to meet one of our rescued senior dogs, Cody.  Kai and Cody took to one another almost immediately, and it didn't take long for them to decide that Cody (now spelled Kodi), would make the perfect brother for Kai, and adopted him.When Todd and Alicia took both dogs home, they took a week off of work to acclimate Kai again to their schedule along with Kodi.  They left him for short periods of time at home and gradually increased these times monitoring Kai as they were away.We can't recall an adopter or a dog that touched more of the volunteers than has this family of people and dogs.  We are grateful for Kai's foster family, John and Teri, and their four dogs, for the work that they did to get Kai to the point of being adopted.  We will always be forever grateful for the love and devotion Todd and Alicia have had for Kai from the beginning, and for the patience and the work they have done and continue to do, to acclimate a wonderful dog into their home.Thank you Todd and Alicia for not ever giving up on Kai... You not only changed the life for one dog, but two!Todd and Alicia tell us that both boys are doing great!


Klaus aka Blitz is Safe!

