Kahlua is Safe!

Kahlua safe shelter volunteer CAGSPRescueCalifornia GSP Rescue receives several notifications a day about dogs in shelters. Often times, it's when the dog first arrives at the shelter after being picked up as a stray. We'll do our best to monitor these dogs to see if they are claimed by their owner and are safe. However, we weren't notified about Kahlua until the day she became available. There was a photo that accompanied the little bit of information we received stating she had been hit by a car and asking could you help? Knowing that the shelters do not always have the resources to care for injured dogs, we immediately contacted the shelter to find out more information and let them know we could help.Five days prior, the shelter had been notified about a dog running loose in a remote area. The shelter sent an officer and they found Kahlua limping, favoring her right front leg, and several open wounds. From her injuries, it appeared she had been struck by a car. Since her injuries didn't appear to be life threatening and she didn't have tags or a microchip, she was held to see if anyone would claim her. After the five day holding period, due to her injuries, she was made available to rescues. Fortunately for Kahlua, California GSP Rescue, was notified about her.As an all volunteer organization, we do not have a paid staff but rely on volunteers to find time to visit shelters and help rescue dogs. When we heard about Kahlua it was a rainy wet Friday morning. There was traffic and accidents on all the major highways. However, concerned that Kahlua was injured and knowing she would need to see a Vet soon, schedules were changed and plans were quickly made to pick her up.When the volunteer arrived to the shelter, they were relieved to see that Kahlua was putting some weight on her leg. However, still favoring the leg five days later, it wasn't clear how bad the leg was injured. The open wounds were healing and offered support of her being hit by a car. Shortly after leaving the shelter, Dr Kang was contacted and an appointment was made for him to examine her. After an x-ray and examination, he found she had a non-displaced fracture leg. His first thought was to splint the leg, but felt a cast might work better. She wasn't fond of the cast as she wasn't able to run and play with the other dogs, however, it helped keep her immobile so her leg could heal. She was safe and on her way to recovery, and one step closer to her forever home.Before her appointment, Kahlua met many of the volunteers with California GSP Rescue. Volunteer Belle spent some time with her on Saturday giving her plenty of attention since Kahlua was unable to run and play with the other dogs in the training field. The next week, after Kahlua had seen the Vet, Belle shared some information about her in the video below.While we do not doubt we will be able to find Kahlua a forever home, we do struggle with making sure the Vet bills are paid. Most small vet bills are absorbed and paid with the adoption fees we collect. However, when the vet bills run several hundred dollars and exceed the adoption fee, we ask for assistance from our supporters. Kahlua is a special GSP and we are looking for several individuals who might be interested in sponsoring her. If you can spare a few dollars, please consider making a small donation below to sponsor Kahlua.[donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Kahlua" description="Please make a small donation to sponsor Kahlua and help with her vet bills. We will do our best to keep you informed and share when she is adopted" style="wdf-fresh"] 


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