Just One Day - June 11, 2012

What is a day?A day is 24 hours. A day is how we measure time we spend at work, a vacation, doing the things we enjoy. However, in U.S. animal shelters, a day represents 10,411 lives needlessly lost.Four million dogs and cats are euthanized each year in American animal shelters.  All of those deaths break down to about one every eight seconds or 10,411 every day.To most people, June 11 is Just One Day. But, June 11 is a day that could change everything for 10,411 companion animals, and a day that can change the world. On June 11, 2012, we could be a No Kill nation.Animal shelters across the USA are being asked to take a pledge not to kill any savable animals on June 11, 2012. For Just One Day, "Euthanasia Technicians" will put down their syringes and pick up cameras. Instead of injecting animals with lethal doses of sodium pentobarbital, they will photograph them and post them on the Internet, on Facebook, on twitter.On June 11, 2012, they will market their animals to the public, they will reach out to rescue groups, they will host adoption events with discounted rates, they will stay open for extended hours, and they will ask their communities to help them empty the shelter the good way.Instead of going into body bags in freezers, the animals will go out the front door in the loving arms of families. At the end of the day, the shelters will be emptier than when the day started. And, no one will have had to die in order to make that happen. To help them succeed, the No Kill Advocacy Center, Animal Ark and Animal Wise Radio are teaming up to offer shelters the tools they need to be successful."We have a model press release and promotion plan. We have a guide to adopting your way out of killing. We have adoption promotion posters. And so much more, all sent free of charge to those organizations that take the pledge".On average, if each animal shelter in the USA adopts out or transfers to rescue groups an extra three animals on June 11, the USA can become a no kill nation, even if it is for Just One Day. And if we can do it then, we can also do it on June 12 for Just Another Day. . .To learn more go to http://www.justoneday.ws/


Don't miss GSP Rescue at the Fair!


Sonya is adopted!