Jordie is Adopted!

Jordie GSP Mange adoptedJordie is Adopted! Donna and Wayne have had German Shorthaired Pointers for years.  Jordie (now named Liver), is their fifth GSP, and they have loved them all.  Wayne said, when meeting Jordie "There is no other breed for us".One of their GSP's recently passed away, and they knew they needed to get a companion for their current GSP.  They were open to both male and female and a variety of ages, but wanted a dog their GSP could get along with.  Well...we knew without any doubt that Jordie loved every dog he's ever met and had potential to be the right companion.  The only issue was that he was still getting over demodec mange and we wanted to make sure Donna and Wayne could manage this.  Donna's response when we told her about Jordie's mange was "well that doesn't bother me".They drove four hours to meet Jordie and one other playful dog, but Jordie was the right fit for their home. They had already scheduled a visit to their vet upon their return home.Donna says his energy is still pretty high (he is only five after all), but that he is proving to be a great dog and fits in just fine.  He is her lap dog and loves to nap during the day right on Donna's lap.  Donna reports that Jordie's recent scrape for demodec mange came back clean so they are headed in the right direction.  She says he's getting hair back on his neck now and is learning where to go potty.We are so thankful for Donna and Wayne for looking past a temporary skin issue to see the great dog in Jordie and are so glad he is a fit into their home.


Rizo is Safe!


Meet Gordy!