Jimbo is Adopted!

Jimbo_IMG_2737w64Jimbo has found his family and is enjoying his new life! He loves his daily walks, tracking and pointing out the lizards, and playing ball. Tony and the rest of his new family are enjoying Jimbo as well, telling us he is doing great in his new home. Tony says, " He is turning out to be a great companion and loves to be at my side, and even sneak up on the bed at times."This is Tony's first GSP, and he took the time to visit the rescue and learn more about the breed - which helped him decide that an adult GSP  (Jimbo is 5) has plenty of energy and would be a great age to adopt.We are grateful that Jimbo's new family put such thought and care into selecting a breed and are glad they decided to give a GSP a forever home!


The Remarkable Love and Devotion to a GSP named Kymmie


Sasha and Kasey Celebrate #2!