Jazz is adopted!

 Jazz (now Jäger) was adopted into a wonderful family.  Kristi, John, their two daughters and Jäger's new four legged sister Chocolate came out to meet Jäger and found him to be a great fit for their lifestyle.  Kristi reports "We have had him in our home for nearly two weeks now, yet it feels like he's been around a lot longer probably due to his easy going manner and endearing disposition-  young, smart, cuddly, playful, trainable,  & strong! It couldn't be a better fit!John picked up the Jazz (now Jager) from the rescue and spent the next two days giving both dogs his full attention which was a huge help in getting them acquainted & well adjusted to one & other. By the time my daughters and I got home from our vacation, Jazz was still taking in his new surroundings, but well on his way to being quite comfortable.To help Jazz with his assimilation, we have been following the Rescue's recommendations. We have him on a similar schedule, crated & eating the same dog food. He sleeps inside,in his crate at night and he gets in there throughout the day to nap or to be kept safe and secure if no one is going to he home. Sometimes, he finds he has a bed buddy. Chocolate quietly creeps into the crate and steels his sleeping space. It's sweet to see the two get along so well. Chocolate has had no problem with having this beautiful boy around as long as he knows she is the alpha.".We are grateful to families like this that thoughtfully select the right dog for their home and work consciensciously to incorporate a new dog into their life.  Pictured here are John and Jazz (now Jäger )


Whitney (A4482830) is safe!


Goodbye My Ripley